Apart from regular updating of social media channels including Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, a range of materials will be developed to translate the research results into user-friendly outputs that target specific stakeholder sectors including technical guides for farmers, extension services and other land-managers; targeted summary reports for policy and industry stakeholders; videos featuring case studies of best practice from the study sites and development of new bio-products. Outputs will be translated into local languages of SustainFARM partner countries.
Policy briefs of the project outputs will be prepared for dissemination to the policy makers at the national, regional and EU scale for informed decision making. The outputs from the project will be disseminated to the scientific community by publishing in peer-reviewed journals and sharing in international forums through presentations by the project partners. Below you can find factsheets describing the case studies from different SustainFARM countries.
A number of stakeholder events (field demonstrations and workshops) are planned with farmer associations, extension services, policy-makers and other stakeholders to share evaluations and experiences of the integrated systems with other members of the stakeholders network. The subjects of the events includes also training in the use of the Decision Support Tool, developed in the project will be provided through workshops in each of the partner countries.
SustainFARM Factsheets
SustainFARM Dissemination Report (Deliverable 5.3)
- technical guidelines for farmers and other stakeholders, factsheets on case studies and preparation of policy briefs